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Hardware and software tools for implementation of a marine or subsea control system

ioStudio Basic

Free to use Windows application for configuration and simulation of front- and back-end of a maritime control system

ioStudio Engineering

Licensed Windows application for deployment and servicing of a marine control system.

Installed on the vessel for servicing on an engineering work station.

ioStudio Framework

Licensed C# and C++ software libraries for implementation of marine control systems.

ioStudio Instrument

Instrument for marine operations displaying data configured with ioStudio Basic.

Approved for marine applications and installed as over head display or information display anywhere on a vessel.

OpenBridge user interface.

ioStudio Operation

Generic panel and touch display for operation of a marine control system.

Approved for marine applications and installed in an operation chair or station.

OpenBridge user interface.

ioStudio PCB

Stackable and vibration resistant PCB for marine or subsea environment and redundant networking

ioStudio Motion

Cost efficient marine sensor system measuring and observing the motion of a vessel. High precision IMU and GNSS sensors in a base and rover configuration for redundant networks are used.

Motion data displayed in ioStudio Instrument and available as NMEA or IEC 61162-450 data on the network.

ioStudio Gate

Stackable and vibration resistant gate PCBs for redundant data distribution between NMEA, IEC 61162-450 and subsea networks.

Configured by ioStudio Engineering.

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